Holiday Ideas

Best non-traditional Christmas ornaments you can try out


Non-traditional ornaments are simply just unique.  They can be handmade, store-bought, or even vintage finds. It’s all about what speaks to you and your style. Here are a few of our favorites that you can use to add some personality to your tree this year.

Try making a gingerbread house out of cake or candy

This is a fun one for the kids. Simply bake or buy a small rectangular cake or slab of candy.  Then, using store-bought icing or royal icing, decorate it like a little gingerbread house. Be sure to add some gumdrops, sprinkles, and other festive candies to really make it stand out.

Make an ornament wreath!

This is a great way to use up any extra ornaments you may have lying around. Simply hot glue ornaments of various sizes and colors onto a wire wreath frame. Once it’s full, add a ribbon for hanging. This is a great project for kids and adults alike.

Add vintage finds

If you’re looking for something a little more subtle, try adding some vintage finds to your tree. This could be anything from old jewelry to antique buttons. Simply string them onto some fishing wire or thread and hang them from the branches. It’s a simple way to add some character and interest to your tree.

Use ribbon, bows, and other festive materials to make a wreath for your door or wall

This is a unique way to use up any extra ribbon you have lying around. Simply hot glue or tie bows and ribbons of various colors and sizes onto a wire wreath frame. Once it’s full, add a hook for hanging. This makes a beautiful and unique decoration for your home.

Hang ornaments in unusual places – like on the chandelier or on the mantel

You can hang ornaments of various sizes and colors from the chandelier or mantel. Be sure to use ornament hooks or fishing line so they don’t damage your surfaces. This is a fun and festive way to decorate for the holidays.

Make a garland out of paper stars or other craft materials

This is a great way to add some homemade flair to your decor. Cut out stars or other shapes from paper or cardstock. Then string them together with ribbon or twine.

Fill a bowl with Christmas-themed items like pine cones, berries, and cinnamon sticks

This is a great way to add some natural elements to your decor. Simply fill a bowl with pine cones, berries, and cinnamon sticks. This makes a beautiful and fragrant decoration for your home.

Make homemade salt dough ornaments

Another fun option is making homemade salt dough ornaments. This is a great activity to do with kids, and you can really let your creativity run wild with the shapes and designs. Once they’re baked and cooled, you can paint or decorate them however you like.

So there you have it, a few of our favorite non-traditional Christmas ornaments. We hope this has inspired you to try something new this year and really make your tree your own. Merry Christmas!

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